söndag 31 januari 2010
sönder och samman
torsdag 28 januari 2010
onsdag 27 januari 2010
tisdag 26 januari 2010
Hittar hem
hon har ingenting kvar
med en tom blick ser hon på verkligheten
ser vad som tilldelades men som aldrig valdes
har inga frågor kvar att ställa för att stilla
önskar att hon hade något vackrare att vilja
känner inga rädslor inte heller tvivel
livets raka sträcka, avslutas med det raka strecket, undertecknad av livet
varför får hon stanna då själen avtagit
slungades av berget som aldrig blev bestiget
själen som drunknat i tårar andas inte mer
bröstet där andetaget är bosatt höjs aldrig mer till skyarna
sjunker aldrig mer ned till avgrunden
ingen kan andas åt henne då hon
inte längre orkar
röster viskar om bättre tider, tider efter dagen
tider efter natten då skuggor förintas av det som gryr
likt ett frö som gror låter hon dagen livnära
men här växer ingenting ingen näring når
dit hoppet inte ens hittar
där kärleken förvirrat bort sin väg, ingen
hittar hem
hon stod alltid kvar väntandes, bedjandes
ingen fann, ingen
hittar hem
livets raka sträcka, avslutas med det raka strecket, undertecknad av livet
torsdag 21 januari 2010
onsdag 20 januari 2010
vackra vänner!

tisdag 19 januari 2010
Saman droppar...II
floetry - supastar
She told me to tell my brother
She loves you...and I do too
Cause you're my SupaStar
You are
It's a pretty day, let's go outside and enjoy it
If you got something else in mind, then I'm all for it
I will take the chance, I will take your hand
Then we'll go there, go there...
Love isn't something that you earn, it's deserved
Love is something I can give cause I'm worth it
You amaze me
I am taken in
You're so lovely
I can
I can see you
Tell me what you wanna do
I know who you are
You're my SupaStar
My man said Heaven is a day away
If in the present, you loving a braver way
I wear the aura of a king, and dream of a love supreme
As a child, I was told that my love is king
Seen what it could bring to the lives of those
That ain't afraid to give with they souls exposed
Golden rose, you color my reality with balladry
Allowing me to love like a child that's free
I'm proud to be your SupaStar
My love is honest & true, and I can prove it baby
My love is everything to you, if you choose it baby
You're amazing
I'm so taken in
You're so lovely
I can
You know I liked him so much
It turned into loving
Then the love back to like,
Now I feel like I'm bursting
Well nursed him and named him
so full of potential
He stands tall, our feel is eternal
Fine like the earth, and the sea, and the sky
Together we make stars, we are truly fly
I wanna paint him, take a picture of his soul
The story should be told
See he's like everything I dreamed of
But better than the preview
Now everything he working on
Has got me saying "Me too!"
Like he food and I need, blood cause he bleed
He real 'cause I see, it's all meant to be
Remember how to make believe
Yo, these brotha's are your enemy
You're in a state of disbelief
Without your heart you'll never be
So sisters sing along with me
'Cause your love is true
lördag 16 januari 2010
Evighetens penna
måndag 11 januari 2010
That's whatsup!
I call him mr.Cozy, always spreading positive energy
like a shiny sunny day in may, you'll never find his mindstate grumpy
surely sober rock steady still kickin it like he's tipsy
born ready, spittin rhymes quickly, he aint no rookie
and check this
This mc is in to poetry like the U.S is in to every country
got this lady needy like a junkie
feelin the baggy jeans and air force nikeys
but mostly I'm diggin his inner beauty
love it how he drops his theory
speaks his mind so honestly
kinda get the track 'butterflies' by Floetry
even the 'bedroom eyes' lines by Natty
indeed i feel his vibes strongly
before i get all silly acting like a groupie
all i can say is
he's just Lovely
my own personal dealer
It's all so mutual
easy for everyone to see
We're just high on Wee
lördag 9 januari 2010
S.T.I.C.S Poets - Natural Death
Natural (death)
As the clouds gently weep,
Drops drizzle down softly,
Tears hit the seemingly unforgiving hard ground,
And earth soundlessly as if to say: I’m sorry.
And when we’re sound asleep,
Water escapes between the dry cracks hugging the heavens condoling it with a soothingly rhythmic symphony splish, splat, splash, as if to say, it’s not your fault we tried,
Trees that rested on emerald green grass now lay naked outside, raped,
Reaching desperately towards the sun in attempt to escape,
Violently thrusting their arms spitefully after us, as their pleads can be heard through the angered winds,
As if to say: don’t touch me,
Shattered white glass covers the pavements and empty rainforests, enslavement, powdered pain,
Reminders of the life that was, that didn’t remain, engraved into invisible epitaphs, questions like,
What do you bring roses when they die?
From mass genocide, deceased, bitter, cold and murdered, as if to say: ill never forgive you.
Daffodils used to dance,
And daisies romanced with other plants and flowers in the quiet hours,
Clapping their hands,
To songs that the nightingales sang,
Under the nostalgic old oak tree,
That told old jokes, and ancient folk stories,
For all to hear,
Enchanting tales that the birds and the bees passed on,
Legends so funny that even the weeping willows laughed hysterically, panting, leaving them in tears of joy, breathless, but now they all lie here lifeless.
They tried to move mountains now mountains move them, with less difficulty,
Eruptions like they’ve lost their patience, shaking heads like concussions,
As if to say: you need to stop!
But we never stop to need,
Sap is thicker than blood, they too bleed,
And never have we seen such love that they have for us, they renounced their lives to give us time, breathe in, and you’ll hear, as if they’re saying: please,
Some remember back to the days where leaves left, because thieves met, and devised a way to steal our future, fog our memory so we’d forget,
I recollect when I used to collect shells by the seas, gifts from the marine species, and kisses from the ocean breezed, it was magical, but now all we see are dry spells
We should have drastically changed like the weather before forecasts seized the sun, and casted shadows so dark that the sun ceased to shine, as if to say, I give up.
fredag 8 januari 2010
torsdag 7 januari 2010
Saman droppar teorin om Nahide a.k.a Herr diktator
onsdag 6 januari 2010
burrrhtdaybwooooi! #2

- 14. FJORTON. det är nog det jag kommer minnas mest från vår barndom. Även min bror. nuff' said.
- han tog mig på bar gärning då vi körde sanning lr konka och lillasyster hade sin pussdebut.
- Då ja öppnade dörren och han hade flickvänbesök. pinsamt. hääy!
- Gör det innan du får stryk. ( i princip ALLT lata bröder inte orkade göra)
- Du e yngst, HÄMTA. ( i princip ALLT lata bröder inte orkade hämta)
- Hur många gånger ska ja säga till dig att inte använda mina tröjor? ( han hade alltid coola kläder och hey, man ville dress to impress, även om inte kids i min ålder visste vad fashion var back then)
- Tog mig återigen på bar gärning då jag hade min fylledebut ( fast han var ganska dragan själv och märkte det inte, tackgodeGud)
- när vi tappade bort hemnycklarna och vi var ute o leta halva natten. ( Jag leta, Hikmet softa i Arabyparken)
- Vi hade vattenkrig och Hikmet tvingar mig att fylla "ballonger" med vatten, säger GÖR DET INTE HEMMA, GÖR DET I TVÄTTSTUGAN, jag fattar inte utan springer hem, såklart. ( Mamma flippar över då hennes dotter står i badrummet och fyller KONDOMER med vatten!)

tisdag 5 januari 2010
Khalil Gibran
Then the Nymph of the Jungle approached me and laid her scented hands upon my eyes. And as she withdrew, I found me alone in the valley. When I returned to the city, whose turbulence no longer vexed me, I repeated her words:
"Beauty is that which attracts your soul, and that which loves to give and not to receive."
Khalil Gibran
måndag 4 januari 2010
Used to
söndag 3 januari 2010
Here is a description...
Simple Math
dagar som gick...

Ännu ett klockslag som avslutade ett år för att påbörja ett nytt. Det avslutade året har likt andra år varit lärorikt och utvecklande. Det finns dagar och stunder i det avslutade året som aldrig kommer åter förutom i minnet. Precis som andra dagar, under alla andra avslutade år.
lördag 2 januari 2010
makes comebacks like Jordans slam dunks
lookin for ways to make the past last in past tense
surreal deals tells tales my counsious fails to catch the details
actions weighed on scales leaving my thoughts for sale
not for pennies or dimes, I'll rather trade them for divine guide lines
nothing makes sense when dreams get intense
trying to embrace the presence, only get some other sequence
different angle creating yet another sequel
quick to follow it, there is no way for me to contradict
the fact, like the Nostradramus prophesies
what is written shall be just haft to wait and see
wake up call taking me back to reality its time for some herbal tea
fredag 1 januari 2010
osynliga rötter
Just to get by
Feeling brand new I jumped up
Feeling my highs, and my lows
In my soul, and my goals
Just to stop smokin, and stop drinkin
But I've been thinkin - I've got my reasons
Just to get by, just to get by
Just to get by, just to get by