söndag 16 november 2008

letter from a long lost friend

They told me to speak my mind
Why should it be spoken
When the only one who understands
Is the beholder of the thoughts
They told me to claim my rights
Why should it be claimed
When the only one feeling unjustified
Is the beholder of a simple plan
They told me to believe that I’m beautiful
Why should i rely my beliefs in beauty
When everyone knows that beauty
Is in the eye of the beholder
They told me to listen to my heart
Why should I listen to something so weak
When it can be broken only by simple sweet words
They told me to patient, that time would heal
Why do they lie
Time never heals
Do these people know how it feels
When you loose your platform
And just keep falling down
Do these people know how it feels
When you loose you hope
And just keep drowning in the rain
Don't they know reality
Don't they know life
I did listen to what ya’ll said
I spoke my mind
I claimed my rights
I found myself beautiful
I listened to my heart
I was patient
But I never found my platform again
The foundation that I stand on
Will never be a foundation of my own
Until the day
When I find my peace of mind
Until the day
When i climb up again
Until the day
The rain dry
And i breathe again
Don't you know reality
Don't you know life

let me tell you this my beloved friend
I love you I always have
and I always will
have faith
time might not heal
love does
thoughts might not heal
love does
your heart can only be broken by love
but you know better then me
that the only thing that keep that heart beating
is love
my friend, you can keep falling
down from a high clouds
or in love
i will be there for you
to lift you up
or fall for love just like you do
if you don't have a platform
let me be your ground
I'll make sure
that you find your peace of mind
i make sure
that you belive in
that after rain
sunshine arrives
I truly love

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