I once had a friend may god bless her soul
She was hundred and four years old
So there was this time when we sat down and met in another level
See ,she was helpless on her own
I were her helper and therefore she put me on a thrown
Without me she couldn't even breath
She had no one else not even her grown up seed
I fed her, made her bed and eventually she was all in my head
She felt alone but she knew that she would soon be gone
she was hundred and four
I got scared from what was about to come
wondered if I like her would end up all alone
Once in a while her children told their respect
But it could never pay up for years of neglect
she was Hundred an four years old
To me she was an old lady in need,
someone who washed her and put her to sleep
I got paid for the things I did
but soon different types of feelings started to creep
She was no longer a old woman who just missed human compassion
She was now my friend whom I showed all my affection
Hundred and four years old
May god bless her soul
I remember the day
I wish I once more could hear the things she had to say
I came to her with a broken heart
she said this is not the end but a brand new start
I looked at her and started to cry... All I wanted to know, was why
She smiled and dried my tears
in a silent way she tried to take away all my fears
I wondered if she had ever loved and lost
She said We were married for fifty years before my beloved past
Fifty years were like twice my age
To her I was on the begging of an unwritten page
Hundred and four years old
May god bless soul
Then she said those words that made my life take a different path
After hundred years child you will not even remember that...
You may feel like your life is about to end
But a broken heart will heal my friend
In hundred years it won't even make a difference
Make sure that you never loose your balance
Love is the mystery of life and you will never figure it out like science
It is the essence of life, it's own fragrance
Something you will find screaming for you even in silence
Remember child in hundred years it wont even make a difference
I should know
I'm hundred and four years old
Not many days after this changing moment
My beloved friend was no longer present
As i hold her hand she took her last heavy breath
Smiled at me once before she faced death
She died with a smile on her face
I wish you could see her laying in such a peace
she was Hundred and four
May god bless her soul
4 kommentarer:
DEN BÄZTA! wow wow wow wow wow så magisk sjukt ere! aj laaav you min maya angelo maybe maybe!
aj laaaaaa uuuuuu
Du levererade den sååå bra, tänk att du fick 10 poäng (!) av tjejen i hörnet som sågade allt o alla?!
haha ja! När hater numbero uno gav mig tio rakt av fick jag lite glädje i hjärtat!
nästa gång ska ja leverera bättre! <3 tack för all pepp-talk love!
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